Body & Interior

Gearbox Cover

Varnish Repairs

Inside, Driver cabin


Corner front left

Corner front right

Corner rear right

Tank & cover & level detector

Rear door hinge

Door screenframe, seals & guides

The gasket set is from vehicule ancien, the rubber profiles do not fit exactly and the profile for the upright window must first be glued in place with bodywork adhesive.

The frames / guides have been disassembled at a previous time and there have been missing approx. 70% of the brackets, they had to be repurposed accordingly
After assembly, the rubber seal lip, pulled over the the solid frame is under considerable tension – let’s see how it behaves when the material ages

Here a Youtube Video , from Panzerestafette: “Démontage et remontage des cadres de vitres d’Estafette

Sliding door seals

Sliding door seal kit from vehicule ancien.
Sliding door rubber bottom and front from ingenious (perfect reproduction)

Heating element and ventilation

Radio holder & loudspeakers


The fire-extinguisher was present in the vehicle, but not assembled and has now received a worthy place.
It is full and has pressure and works – unclear if it is enough for a big fire – I hope we never find out:-)